Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bible Helpers

Here are a few things to help you study and understand your Bible better.

The first thing you should do is, to buy a Bible; there are lots to choose from.
When choosing a Bible I recommend going to an actual book store that sells Bibles, instead of going online to buy a Bible from Amazon(even though it is easier) so you can take the time to look at each Bible and a translation to see if you like it and can understand what you are reading.

Here are some different Bibles translations. 
Examples of Translations:

            English Translations:
(KJV) or King James Version is the Grandfather of all Bibles dating back to 1611. It reads like one of Shakespeare’s plays “To read the King James or not to read the King James Bible that is the question” This is a more literal translation

(NKJV) or New King James Version is the new and improved King James Bible. A cleaned up version with Shakespeare left back stage “Sorry Shakespeare we got a new guy to write the play” Similar to the KJV with updated language. It is still literal but much easier to read

(NLT) or New Living Translation is a more contemporary version.

(NIV) or New International Version

(ASV) or American Standard Version

Amplified Bible has more vocabulary in the passages to help you better understand the meaning of what each passage is trying to say. I couldn’t get myself to like this Bible. When I read it I get a traffic jam of words before the thought is finished.  Let me give you and example and you decide if you like it or not.  
This is in John 1:14
And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth.

The Message uses modern day language or slang “Yo bro, I gots a message for ya” this is a paraphrase of the Bible

Yong’s Literal Translation is like the King James but with the “past” taken out. “Yong’s Literal is a great Bible” hint, hint.  ; )
                        There Are Many Study Bibles as well
                        The Bible In Other Languages
                        Even if you don't read English there is hope. The Bible is translated entirely in 438
                        languages, partially in 2,454 out of 4,500

There are also Bible Dictionaries that have biblical words from A to Z in Scripture.

Here are some examples of Bible Dictionaries:
Tyndale Bible Dictionary  Remember him he was the guy who got burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

The New Bible Dictionary: Third Edition This one is my personal favorite


Here is a sample

            ABADDON. The satanic angel of the bottomless pit (Rev. 9:11) whose Greek name is
given as Apollyon, ‘destroyer’. In Hebrew ’aḇaddôn means ‘(place of) destruction’, and
in the OT it is used as a synonym of *DEATH and Sheol. (*HELL).
                                                                                                                            J. D. DOUGLAS.

Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary This one has lots of pictures to illustrated the meaning of the word

Like Bible Dictionaries Concordances help you find the meaning of the words in Hebrew and Greek the most popular Concordance is Strong’s using The King James Bible

Instead of giving the definition of a word. A concordance shows you where the word shows up in every passage. Next to the verse the book shows you the corresponding number either in the Hebrew or the Greek Dictionary-index which is located in the back of the book.

The Internet has sites to navigate through the Bible much quicker then using your thumbs.

Examples of some sites:
Bible Gateway

Blue Letter Bible

You Version

Computer Software Helps you study your Bible with the power of your processor 

           This software is offered on both a PC, windows 7 and a MAC OS X 10.6.8 or higher.
           Logos offers a variety of Base packages for those who are just starting to study the Bible
           and to the Scholars who want to seriously study the scripture.

           Bases packages include:
           Starter               Includes 191 resources                      Purchase Price is around $300.00
           Bronze               Includes 429 resources                     Purchase Price is around $600.00
           Silver                 Includes 667 resources                      Purchase Price is around $1,000.00
           Gold                   Includes 1,067 resources                  Purchase Price is around $1,600.00
           Platinum           Includes 1,370 resources                  Purchase Price is around $2,100.00
           Diamond           Includes 2,028 resources                 Purchase Price is around $3,500.00
           Portfolio           Includes 2,585 resources                  Purchase Price is around $5,000.00

           For more information pleas visit their website at

           e-sword is a good way to start studying the Bible on your PC Windows home computer,
           plus it is absolutely free.

Cell Phone & I Pod Apps  lets you take the Bible on the go
       You Version Bible app
           Logos Bible app

           Olive Tree

     Other Kinds Of Help
           Talk to people you know who know a lot about the bible
           Join Bible study groups in your area

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